Success stories from our customers

You are THE MAN!!! 

Works like a champ. Wow. I am impressed. 

FYI: Your customer service is terrific. Thank you!



Malcolm Levine | | NV, USA

Great I got more done since last night than my ex-engineer did in 2 months - Do you guys offer consulting services - maybe to polish my code?

Richard J Pendzick | EyeOn Security Management LLC | | NY, USA

6:43 AM
That is fantastic. Thanks very much


David Archambault | FL, USA

Derick 7:56 PM
loving the product, cant believe I did not find this years ago

Derick Clack | | Seattle, WA, USA

Hi Daniel,

I want to compliment you on your debugger, it helped me tremendously to solve a tricky bug in one of our legacy websites.

It saved me a lot of time, blood and tears, thank you!

Best regards,

Steven de Vries | Specialist IT |

This product saved me my job.

As an ASP.Net programmer of 5 years I have moved to a new job where I have to support 100's of ASP 3.0 scripts.

I have no ASP 3.0 experience and the lack of debugger support was killing me.
One hour using your product and I'm laughing again

Mick Lennon, Digiweb Ireland (Ireland)


Whoooohooooo..... I've been programming in ASP since around 2000 and in 2004 your app gave some relief to the response.write debugging nightmare that ASP was but still would hang a lot...This version 7.0 works like a DREAM. I really want to thank you for all the thousands of hours you and your team put into making this app...It is the missing piece of the ASP/IIS puzzle. ASP was woefully lacking in debugging features which your app does great. I was very happy with the features of v4. But v7 features are amazing...especially the new local vars screen. 

Matt Reine, (USA)

2:21 PM
Well, goal accomplished much better than anticipated. Got it installed, no errors, no corruption of the production IIS, not even a restart of the computer.

Bryan Lanning |

Hi Daniel,

Now all seems to be fine!!! Working smooth…. I would like thanks your ultra-fast help and congratulate all team to this tool now even better the local var window is very COOL!!!



Rodrigo Terra -

I've just started using your debugger and it's paid for itself within the first 15 minutes - what a time saver compared to inserting 'response.write / response.end' instructions throughout the code! The ability to monitor values and edit the code 'on the fly' is tremendously cool...
I don't normally use any development tools other than a simple text editor... but your debugger helped me resolve a particular problem in minutes that had held me up for a day and a half - I'm a raving fan

Robert Hise, Developer (USA)


I'm using classic ASP in my projects since 1998 and always the worst time was of finding easily a bug. I've used for many years Interdev, Visual Studio 2003 but always with great problems in installation in all machines. With the arrival of Visual Studio 2005 and the cut of support from Microsoft classic ASP debugging I did a search for other reliable solutions for debugging since it was very difficult to support my clients.

I found many products but none of them was so complete and perfect, easy to use and with no need to load all project files to start debugging. I'm using your product for almost 2 years and I'm not changing it at all. It was my good luck I found it. It saved me hours of work. It has been well designed and works exactly as I wanted to, and this gives it an advantage.

My best regards

Vagelis Kretsimos, I.S.T. - Information Systems Technology [] (Greece) Greece


Using Team Remote ASP Debugger it took me minutes to identify a bug in a script that I've been struggling with for months.  Great product

John, Classywear Fashions, (USA)



Thank you for updating the debugger and getting back to me so quickly with the new version. I played around with it yesterday and it works exactly the way I hoped. At present I always run the project through the debugger so if a run time error occurs I can see exactly the line where it happens as well as check the values of local variables etc.. If I need to debug a section of code I simply insert debugger lines and run the project.

Thanks again, you have saved me hours of painstaking debugging work  

John Culloty, OneWorld, Barbados


I have owned your ASP debugger for one hour and have identified the problem I have been working to fix since 10:00AM.

Worth every cent !!

Thank you  

Guy Brewster (UK)


So far I am very pleased with my purchase, the look and feel is great, the installation a breeze and so far it does exactly what I want, brilliant  

Robert Back, Integral Software Developments Limited (UK)


It’s working great!  I can’t believe I spent all my past years debugging using response.write!  This is going to be such a valuable tool! 

Thanks for all your support...  You have a wonderful product   

 Shane L. Meeks, Senior Programmer Analyst, PORTERCORP (USA)


I must say, I am impressed with your support... to say the least...  

Francisco Sieira, Senior Developer, The Allen Group Inc (USA)


I've only used it for 5 minutes and I already love it, and I also know that you are incredibly responsive to problems...Great job, and thanks  

Shanon Hart, Owner, KD (USA)


Team Remote ASP Debugger has proven to be invaluable for testing and debugging programs. Setting watch variables and breakpoints is easy. This program is ideal for people who have to figure out what other programmers did. I'm responsible for a system comprised of over 500 ASP programs and subroutines, most of which have been written by other people. Team Remote ASP debugger has proven absolutely necessary.  

Tom Matthews, CEO, BriefingEDGE Inc. (USA)


I am very content with the RETAIL release of Team Remote ASP Debugger. It somehow seems to work a little better for me - besides all the extended functionality 

Daniel Pavic, Consultant, Deutsche Post IT Solutions GmbH (Germany)


I just installed both Server and Client.. they are both a charm... I've noticed that you included now the option to "watch variable" COOL   

Franc Sieira, Programmer Analyst, TAG (USA)


Je viens de m'amuser pendant 1 heure avec ton débogueur. Le bilan est très positif. J'ai utilisé un ASP avec lequel j'ai eu des problèmes que j'ai pu résoudre grâce à ton logiciel.

J'arrive à voir mes variables et ton programme va me rendre de grands services... Bravo et merci pour ton soutien... je vais très souvent utiliser ton débogueur   

Francis Kienlen, EAN (Switzerland)


Incredible! Best debug concept I've seen in a long time! We are considering using Team Debugger for a large client project   

Glenn McGregor, VP Software Development, AnswerPoint, Inc. (USA)


Team Remote Debugger saves our team an estimated one hour a day on debugging   

Phil Peacock, Programmer, Merchant Technologies (USA)


I've downloaded the software and I must say I am impressed. I really like the way the application works and I've already tested it with my web application. I've written an include page that will check to see if a Querystring variable has been passed and if so the object is created etc etc...

Gone are the days that I use reponse.writes to help me debug... This is much more elegant       

James Q. Stansfield, Senior Web Developer, Trader Media Corp. (Canada)


The remote debugger will also help in that we have a 25Hr uptime agreement with customers and as such we have to provide out of hours support... Team Remote Debugger sounds like the ideal solution   

Chris Barber, Isotrak (UK)


I checked out your debugger and evaluated it. It is simple and cool! This is a real great killer app for debugging   

Bae, Hyun-jik, Senior Software Engineer, Oz Intermedia Co., Ltd. (Korea)



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